1. grafzahl::ecosent
    A Corpus Of Dutch News Headlines
  2. grafzahl::supported_model_types
    Supported model types
  3. grafzahl::unciviltweets
    A Corpus Of Tweets With Incivility Labels
  4. oolong::abstracts
    Abstracts of communication journals dataset
  5. oolong::abstracts_btm
    Topic models trained with the abstracts dataset.
  6. oolong::abstracts_dfm
    Abstracts of communication journals dataset
  7. oolong::abstracts_dictionary
    Abstracts of communication journals dataset
  8. oolong::abstracts_seededlda
    Topic models trained with the abstracts dataset.
  9. oolong::afinn
    AFINN dictionary
  10. oolong::newsgroup_nb
    Naive Bayes model trained on 20 newsgroups data
  11. oolong::trump2k
    Trump's tweets dataset
  12. rang::recipes
    Recipes for Building Container Images
  13. sweater::glove_math
    A subset of the pretrained GLoVE word vectors
  14. sweater::googlenews
    A subset of the pretrained word2vec word vectors
  15. sweater::small_reddit
    A subset of the pretrained word2vec word vectors on Reddit